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What does Radio-frequency (RF) do?

RF stimulates your bodies natural collagen production. As we get older our bodies ability to synthesize collagen is reduced, resulting in loss of skin elasticity. RF helps to stimulate collagen production and strengthen the skins structure which enables skin tightening, wrinkle reduction, face contouring and improvement of the skins overall appearance. It is a more natural way of rejuvenating the body and reversing/preventing ageing. Allowing your body and face to appear more youthful without the need of botox or surgery.


What instant results can I expect?

You will see immediate results after the first session. The skin will feel tighter and firmer to touch, clients often observe a subtle visible change in the faces contour. However, significant visual changes will become more obvious for the face and body from treatment 3.


Are the results long-lasting/permanent?

Yes.The more sessions you have, the greater the visible result. You will see immediate results from session 1, however 8 sessions are recommended for optimum results. Once you have achieved your desired result and paired with our discounted maintenance sessions, you will be able to obtain a permanent result.


Is Radio-frequency (RF) safe?

Radio-frequency has an excellent safety record and is FDA approved. It has been used in dermatology, cardiology and neurosurgery for 70 years. It is a non-surgical procedure, that requires no risk, no needles, no bruising, no scaring, no down time, no negative long-term results, and immediate results.


Is the procedure painful?

No, the treatment is painless. The RF will gently stimulate a little heat under the skin, which may cause a slight pink tone from the heat, but that will subside 15-30 minutes after the treatment.


How long will each session take?

Treatment times may vary depending on the area being treated but a typical session will last between 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes. This includes the preparation, treatment and post treatment procedures.


How does Radio-frequency (RF) work?

RF works as a rejuvenation method, stimulating the bodies natural collagen production. RF uses electromagnetic waves which causes the tissues of the skin to heat, as well as some structural molecular changes. These changes stimulate your body to create new collagen, whilst rebuilding and strengthening collagen in the dermis layer of your skin, producing more collagen and improvement of skin laxity.



What are electromagnetic (EM) waves?

It is a form of a radiation frequency. EM waves are 1 billion times less energy than an X-ray. They produce the exact same amount of energy/waves as your mobile phone or a microwave. The treatment is completely safe and an energy your body absorbs on a daily basis without harm.



What to avoid before the treatment?

Anything that may irritate your skin immediately before the treatment - sunbathing or sunbeds.





How does Lipo-Cavitation work?

Lipolysis (lipo-cavitation) works by stimulating your bodies natural fat burning and disposal process. It reduces fat cells with certain manipulation techniques, thanks to the use of our machine!


The machine works with ultrasounds that form microscopic bubbles in the tissues of the skin where the fat cells are located. These bubbles immediately compress due to the pressure and heat (which you can not feel or see), which in turn breaks down the fat cells and reduces the localized adiposity. The fat cells then turn in to liquid and are carried to the lymphatic system, where they are then disposed via the urinary system. This is why drinking a sufficient amount of water after the session is paramount to the effectiveness of the treatment, without good water intake the treatment will not work.



What are ultrasounds?

It is a type of sound wave, simply a vibration of the air which we are surrounded by on a day to day basis - sound waves travel through us everyday without causing any harm. The treatment is completely safe.


Is Lipo-Cavitation safe?

Non-surgical Liposuction is safe and FDA approved. It is non-invasive, advanced and truly effective. It requires no surgery, no risks, no needles, no scars, no down time and will have no negative long-term effects on the body.



Is the procedure painful?

No, the treatment is painless. A slight tingling sensation or very slight buzzing in the ear may sometimes be felt during the treatment but this is not uncomfortable and is completely safe. Some heat sensation may also be felt during treatment but no pain - it can feel like a warm hot water bottle and is often referred to as a relaxing treatment. Any slight reddening of the skin which may sometimes develop during or soon after treatment quickly disappears, usually within 30 minutes to an hour.



How long will each session take?

Treatment times may vary depending on the area being treated but a typical session will last between 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes. This includes the preparation, treatment and post treatment procedures.


What instant results can I expect?

You will see immediate results within the first session, which you can feel and touch. Some clients can experience between 1 to 4 inches of circumference reduction after a single session, depending on their size, the area being treated, their lifestyle and water intake, with increasing results after subsequent visits. However, more significant results will be noticed after the second and third treatment.



Are the results long-lasting/permanent?

Yes, if you adopt a healthy lifestyle. You can achieve ‘volume reduction’ of fatty tissues and ‘toning of the body’. The results are gradual over a number of weeks as your body clears the broken-down fatty tissues. The more sessions you have, the better the visual result will be. For optimum results, you must follow the correct aftercare. The results will be long lasting provided you follow a healthy diet and exercise programme. However, it is very easy to deposit fat again into the tissues if one over-eats, consumes too much alcohol or doesn’t exercise. Ultimately the result may vary depending on the individual’s different tissue structure, treatment area, age and metabolism, medication, and changes in hormones.


Are there any side effects with Lipo-cavitation?

There are no dangerous side effects. On rare occasions there may be a possibility of mild redness and feeling thirsty immediately after the treatment, which is easily resolved by drinking water. These are all short-term effects that disappear in a few hours. You can continue with your daily activities without any concern.



What guidelines should you follow pre/post treatment?

Before the treatment - drink plenty of water. Drinking water is a necessary part of the treatment to facilitate the elimination of the broken-down fat. Eat a light meal before your treatment, we want your body to use the fat cells that we have destroyed, as opposed to the energy from your food.


After the treatment - you will be provided with your own aftercare cards to take home, to remind you of the best ways to optimise your results. Aftercare includes: drinking lots of water for 72 hours, no alcohol or caffeine for 3 days (decaf is fine), exercising, a light meal after the session, avoiding carbonated drinks, healthy food choices and adopting a healthy lifestyle to obtain longer lasting results.



Instant results

Both Radio-frequency and Lipo-cavitation provide instant visible results from session 1, we recommended 8 sessions of optimum results. Followed by maintenance sessions every few months to achieve a permanent result.

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